Diversity of plants and animals in Ujung Kulon National Park began to be known by the researchers, botanists Netherlands and the UK since 1820.
Approximately 700 species of plants is well protected and 57 species including such rare; merbau (Intsia bijuga), palahlar (Dipterocarpus haseltii), bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa), cerlang (Pterospermum diversifolium), ki hujan (Engelhardia serrata) and various types of orchids .
Wildlife in Ujung Kulon National Park consists of 35 species of mammals, 5 species of primates, 59 species of reptiles, 22 species of amphibians, 240 species of birds, 72 species of insects, 142 species of fish and 33 species of coral. Endangered and protected other than Java Rhino, there are banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), surili (Presbytis comata comata), lutung (Trachypithecus auratus auratus), rusa (Cervus timorensis russa), macan tutul (Panthera pardus), kucing batu (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis), owa (Hylobates moloch), dan kima raksasa (Tridacna gigas).
Ujung Kulon National Park is an interesting natural attractions, the beauty of the various forms of symptoms and the natural uniqueness of the cascade rivers, waterfalls, white sand beaches, hot springs, marine parks and cultural heritage / history (statue of Ganesha, the Mount Panaitan Island Mercury). All of which create an unforgettable experience for the visitor and hard to find elsewhere.
Species of interest in the Ujung Kulon National Park both living in the sea or rivers, among others, butterfly fish, badut fish, bidadari fish, singa fish, kakatua fish, glodok and sumpit fish. Glodok and sumpit fish are two types of fish that is very strange and unique that glodok fish have the ability to climb trees, while the sumpit fish have the ability to spray water over a height of more than one meter to shoot prey (small insects) that are in leaf which branches protrude above the water.
To enhance the ability of Ujung Kulon National Park management as a World Natural Heritage Site, UNESCO has provided financial support and technical assistance.
Communities living around the national park is famous for its tribal art Banten "debus". The community of followers of Islam, but they still retain the customs, traditions, and culture of their ancestors.
Inside the park, there are places that are sacred to the interests of different religious beliefs. The most famous as a pilgrimage destination is the cave Biosciences Sirah, which is located at the western end of the peninsula of Ujung Kulon.
Some sites / attractions to visit:
Tamanjaya and Cibiuk. The main entrance to the facility, information center, guest house, dock, hot springs.
Kalejetan beaches, coral beds, Cibandawoh. The phenomenon of the southern ocean waves and sandy beaches thick, observation of flora and fauna.
Peucang island. White sand beaches, coral reefs, clear blue waters ideal for swimming events, diving, fishing, snorkeling and ideal place for animal observation in their natural habitat.
Copong reefs, Citerjun, Cidaon, Ciujungkulon, Cibunar, Tanjung Screen, and Ciramea. Explore the forest, river canoeing, sea grass grazing animals, waterfalls and turtle nesting place.
Handeuleum Island, Cigenter, Cihandeuleum. Observing animals (bull, boar, deer, Javan traces and various species of birds), canoeing rivers in the mangrove forest ecosystem.
Panaitan island, and the Mount of Mercury. Diving, surfing, and cultural / historical.
The best visiting season: April till September.
To Getting Ujung Kulon National Park
Jakarta - Serang (1 1/2 hours via toll road), Serang - Pandeglang - Labuan (1 1/2 hours) or
Jakarta - Cilegon (2 hours via toll road), Cilegon - Labuan (1 hour) or Bogor - Rangkasbitung - Pandeglang - Labuan (4 hours).
Then continue to
Labuan - Sumur (2 hours), Sumur - Peucang Island (1 hour by motor boat fishing) or
Labuan - Pulau Peucang (4 hours by fishing boat)
1. Anyer beach. From this beach cruise takes about 5 hours with a wooden boat / fishing boat similar to that already modified. When the twin-engine speedboat may be achieved in just 3 hours. Widely available at Anyer beach simple hotel to the five-star hotel when needed to stay before sailing to the Ujung Kulon National Park. Anyer beach is the nearest beach to reach from the capital Jakarta.
2. Carita Beach location is still one of coastline with beaches Anyer approximately 20 km to the west. Facilities at the beach almost as Anyer and Carita.

4. Panimbang. District town 25 km after Labuan. Here also the traditional port of local fishermen. Departing from here just to save a few tens of minutes rather than departing from Labuan.
5. Tanjung Lesung. Is an integrated tourism area is managed in a planned manner. Now there are at least 2-star hotel. Travelers departing from here are usually uses a twin-engine speedboat. Distance of about 2 hours. Rent a boat is certainly more expensive when compared with timber ships.
6. Sumur. Is the last city district that borders the Ujung Kulon National Park. Distance of about 240 km from Jakarta . Well with a boat cruise of the timber approximately only 2 to 2.5 hours. There is also a cheap lodging in Sumur.
7. Taman Jaya. Wells entered the district. Is one of the villages are directly in contact with Ujung Kulon National Park boundary. There are inexpensive seaside inn is clean with a friendly family service. To one of the forest at the End of Kulon enough to walk about 30 minutes you can already see the Tropical Forest. If lucky, you'll still be able to see Java gibbons (Hylobates Moloch).
Many birds visit the forest researchers around Taman Jaya. If using wooden boats reach the island Handeuleum only taken 1 hour and Peucang island less than two hours. When you have quite a long time, trekking through the woods for 3 days, you can reach the island Peucang with the most memorable experience for all hapir appeal Ujung Kulon can you Meet. In the course of at least the required 2 night stay at the Shelter / Post resting in the middle of the Park.
Obviously there are many ways to Ujung Kulon National Park. Those who have a private yacht, can go directly from Jakarta even from Singapore or Malacca
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