
Selasa, 01 Mei 2012


Sasando is awfully fantastic a stringed musical instrument or cordophone type musical instrument. Sasando comes from the island of Rote, East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. The most southern island in Indonesia archipelago. Sasando word comes from Rote word sasandu. It means vibrant instrument the main part of the long tubular, Sasando commonly made from bamboo. Then in the middle, circling from top to bottom is placed some lumps in which the strings that stretched across the tube, from top to bottom resting. The wedge gives different tone to each passage of the string. Then this Sasando tube placed in a container made from a kind of woven palm leaves ( Lontar leaves ) like a fan made. This container is the place of Sasando resonance. Sasando has two model, Sasando with 28 strings called Sasando Engkel, and with 56 strings called double strings. Sasando is played with both hands reaching into the stings on bamboo tube through lontar opening on the front, and the player's fingers plucked the strings in the fashion similar to playing harp or kacapi.

Legend of Sasando

Two type of Sasando
According to local tradition, the origin of Sasando was linked to folktale of Rote people about the tale of Sangguana. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Sangguana who lived in Rote Island. One day he tended to savannah. He felt tired and fell asleep under a palmyra tree. Sangguana dreamt that he played beautiful music with a unique instrument. The sound and the melody was so enchanting. Then he woke up, surprisingly Sangguana still remembered the tones he played in the dream. He wanted to hear it one more time, so he tried to sleep again. He dreamt the same song and same instrument. Sangguana was enjoying his dream, however he had to wake up. Did not want to lose those beautiful sounds, Sangguana tried to recreate the sounds and in no time created a music instrument from palmyra leafs with the strings in the middle, based on his memory from the dream.

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